Subcontracts India


Any contract between subcontracts India and any client(s), hereinafter referred to individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties”, and every subsequent e-mail and/or call between the parties are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. Upon receipt of any documents from Subcontracts India, the client, as the recipient, hereby acknowledges this warning and disclaimer. 

The client(s) hereby confirm(s) and declare(s) that Subcontracts India, its associates or representatives or any person or persons on its behalf has/have never ever solicited the client(s), its shareholder(s) or associate(s) or representative(s) in any manner whatsoever that can be construed as a solicitation for any current transaction or for future transactions.

The client(s) hereby declare(s) that it/they is/are fully aware that the information received from Subcontracts India is in direct response to its own request and is not in any way considered or intended to be a solicitation of funds, loans, banking instruments, financial assets, stocks, shares,bonds, derivatives,or financial transactions of any sort, and is intended for its general knowledge only and for knowledge of financial market players. The client(s) hereby affirm(s) under penalty of perjury that Subcontracts India has not solicited it/them in any manner whatsoever.

Further, Subcontracts India hereby declares that it is NOT a Broker, Finance Company, Financial Advisor or Licensed in any way. We are solely a Deals Facilitation Service Provider that works with clients to assist them to implement a range of appropriate Solutions directly with professional service providers.  Our role in this connection is to connect people, assist in the removal of deal barriers and pair the right service provider with the right client so customers can achieve a likely successful conclusion.